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What to Write in A Book Of Condolence 20 Examples

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  • May 15, 2023
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  • 7 min read


It doesn’t matter how often you see each other or how much time has passed since the last time you did. You should consider leaving a note of sympathy in the book of condolence for a family member who has passed away.

You should keep your word of sorrow short for many good reasons. It is a way to remember the person who died and help those left behind.

By carefully and honestly choosing your words, you can make a permanent tribute that will bring comfort and healing to grieving people.

Twenty Examples to Write in A Book of Condolence:

  1. “We are very sorry for your loss.”
  2. “I, too, will miss her.”
  3. “I hope you feel a lot of love around you.”
  4. “Sharing in your sadness as you remember Juan.”
  5. “Sharing your sadness as you remember Dan.”
  6. “Sending prayers for health and hugs of comfort. I’m so sorry for what happened.”
  7. “My heart goes out to you as you remember Robert.”
  8. “I was sorry to hear about the death of your grandfather. You and your family are in my thoughts.”
  9. “I think of your wonderful mother and hope you feel better.”
  10. “Working for 17 years with your father was a real pleasure. He will be missed very much.”
  11. “I’m thinking of you all as you celebrate the life of your brother or sister.”
  12. “I’m thinking of you all as you celebrate the life of your grandmother,”
  13. “We miss Anne just as much as you do. “With the deepest sorrow,”
  14. “I’m thinking of you and hoping you find peace and comfort as you remember a close friend.”
  15. “Our family is thinking about and praying for your family.”
  16. “I’m thinking about you and hoping everything is going well.”
  17. “Even though you’re happy to go home, it’s sad you’re leaving. “Thinking of you during this difficult time.”
  18. “Your mom always helped other people. Her kindness has helped many people, and they think of her often.”
  19. “What a nice and kind man your dad was. His funeral was a great way to honor him and everything he did for our town. We’ll miss him.”
  20. “You are in my warmest thoughts as you go through this hard time, and when you are ready, I wish you hope and healing.”

Suggestions for Writing a Book of Condolence:

Writing a statement in a condolence book for a loved one who has passed away is just as painful. It might be difficult to decide what to add and leave out of a condolence book letter for a friend. However, reflecting on the process of bid writing can provide valuable insights into crafting a heartfelt message. If you want to write a condolence message to the family of a friend who has passed away, the following are some book writing suggestions to help you get started:

Acknowledge the Loss

Start by acknowledging the loss and offering your condolences. Use phrases such as “I am deeply sorry for your loss” or “My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family.”

Share Fond Memories

Sharing fond memories of the deceased can provide comfort. Recall a fond memory of the deceased to provide comfort and remind the grieving individual of the positive impact their loved one had on others. For example, you could share a story about their kindness or sense of humor.

Offer Support

By writing a book of condolence, let the person know that you are there for them in their time of need. Express your willingness to provide support, whether it’s through a listening ear, helping with practical tasks, or simply being present.

Express Empathy

Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging the pain the person is experiencing. Use phrases like “I can’t imagine what you’re going through” or “Please know I’m here for you.”

Share Quotes or Poems

If appropriate, include a meaningful quote or poem that captures the essence of loss and healing. This can provide solace and serve as a source of inspiration for the grieving individual.

Reflect on the Deceased’s Qualities

Take a moment to reflect on the positive qualities and virtues of the deceased person. Highlight their kindness, generosity, resilience, or any other characteristic that made them special.

Offer Condolences from Others

If you are writing a book of condolence on behalf of a group or organization, convey the collective condolences and support of the entire community. This can provide comfort, knowing that others are also grieving the loss.

Share Personal Reflections

If you had a personal relationship with the deceased, share your reflections and their impact on your life. This can create a deeper connection with the grieving individual.

Offer Prayers or Blessings

If appropriate, offer prayers or blessings to provide spiritual comfort. Respect the person’s religious or cultural beliefs and tailor your words accordingly.

Express the Legacy

Acknowledge the deceased’s lasting impact on their family, friends, and community. Highlight their Book Writing Founders UK accomplishments, contributions, and the positive changes they brought into the world.

Extend Support Beyond the Condolence

Reassure the person that your support will extend beyond the immediate period of grief. Let them know they can lean on you in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Offer Specific Help

Instead of making generic offers of assistance, be specific in your offer of help. For example, you could say, “I’m available to cook meals for you,” or “I can help with childcare or running errands.”

Share Resources

Provide information in your book of condolence about support groups, counseling services, or other resources that may assist the grieving individual in their healing journey. Include contact details or relevant websites.

Express Gratitude for Their Loved One

To have known their loved one. Share how their presence enriched your life, and express gratitude for the memories and experiences you shared.

Offer Words of Strength and Hope

Encourage the grieving individual to stay strong during this challenging time. Share words of hope, resilience, and the belief that they will find the strength to their grief.

Share Personal Support

Reiterate your availability for emotional support, emphasizing that you are only a phone call or message away. Encourage the person to do ghostwriting and reach out whenever they need someone to talk to or simply to listen.

Use Words of Comfort

Choose words that offer comfort and solace, such as “May your heart find peace” or “Wishing you strength and healing in this time of sorrow.” Let the person know that they are not alone in their grief.

Mention Charitable Donations

If the family has requested donations instead of flowers, mention it in your message. Provide information about the chosen charity in your book of condolence and how others can contribute to honoring the memory of the deceased.

End with a Thoughtful Closing

Conclude your message with a thoughtful closing that expresses your deepest condolences again. Sign off with a warm phrase such as “With heartfelt sympathy” or “In loving memory.”

Main Aspects of Condolence and Elaborate Information

Aspect of Condolence Examples Suggestions
Acknowledgment of Loss “I am deeply sorry for your loss.” Start by acknowledging the loss and offering your condolences.
Sharing Memories “I remember when…” (personal memory) Share fond memories of the deceased to provide comfort.
Offering Support “I’m here for you in this difficult time.” Express your willingness to help, whether it’s emotional or practical support.
Expressing Empathy “I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging their pain.
Quotes or Poems Include a meaningful quote or poem. Share quotes or poems that capture the essence of loss and healing.
Reflecting on Qualities “They were so kind and caring.” Highlight the positive characteristics of the deceased.
Closing Thoughts “With heartfelt sympathy.” Conclude with a thoughtful closing that reiterates your condolences.


Offering sincere condolences through the Book of Condolence is a way to express empathy, support, and love to grieving people. Even a few words of kindness can make a profound difference in someone’s healing journey during such difficult times. By utilizing these examples and personalizing them to fit your relationship with the grieving individual, you can make a meaningful impact and help them find solace.

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