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How To Become A Technical Writer (In 7 Super Simple Steps)

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  • May 1, 2023
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  • 12 min read


Technical writing lets you share your expert knowledge and skills with other people. It also helps you learn more about the topic you’re writing about and shows off your technical skills and abilities.

If you want to be a technical writer, you will run into a big problem: you can’t get a job without experience, and you can’t get experience without a job.

 If you don’t have a strong background in jobs, experience with a few tools, and an impressive portfolio, it can be hard to get a job right after graduation. This is especially true when it’s hard to get a job. But if you do these seven steps, which aren’t easy and won’t help you find a job quickly, you will.

What Exactly is Technical Writing?

Technical writing can be defined in many different ways. But to make it easy for you to understand, think about It goes like this:

It is a type of writing in which the author writes about a certain subject. Usually, the person in question needs direction, instruction, or explanation.”

Technical writing is about writing clear, easy-to-understand instructions and descriptions.

How to Get a Job as a Technical Writer in 7 Easy Steps

Here are some steps you can take to learn how to become a skilled writer:

Start writing!

An obvious part of being a good writer is being able to write. A lot of hard work. So, the best thing to do is get as much practice as possible, whether in your area or elsewhere.

When learning to write like a pro, you should focus on being clear and brief. Most clients want your pieces shorter and easier to understand, so always try to do that.

Start writing blog posts about your chosen subject and sending them to blogs, or you could explore how to start writing a book with a proven process to improve your writing professionally. Discover the importance of writing blog posts here.

Having someone else look at your work is very helpful because feedback is the key to improving. Try sending some examples of your technical writing to blogs that accept work from people who don’t ask for it. This is a great way to see if you have the skills to start your own business.

Obtain a degree

Getting a bachelor’s degree in writing or business is crucial, but understanding the process of manuscript book writing is the next step to becoming a proficient writer. You might learn the right way to write and the different styles you can use as a professional writer while getting your degree. You might also get good at studying and writing, which can help you stand out.

Make a portfolio:

Once you’ve written a few pieces, compile a portfolio of your best work, which could include exploring niche areas like becoming a ghostwriter. You can give this resume to possible clients, put it on your writer’s website, or use it to help you get a job. Make sure you pick pieces that show off different parts of your skills and try to make sure that each piece fits the needs of each client.

What should your portfolio have?

A few things should be in your portfolio if you want it to be full and believable. The most important thing to remember is that the portfolio’s point is to show off your writing skills and get you hired.

So, just like when you write a professional paper, you need to think about who you are writing for here. Whether it’s a project or your “about” page, everything should be consistent and focused on the goal.

Here’s what you’ll need for the pages and the content:

  • A home page with a tagline about who you are and what you do, preferably with a picture of yourself;
  • An about page with more information about yourself and your past (you can put your resume here if you want); 
  • A contact page with your email address, phone number, and maybe even your LinkedIn profile; 
  • And, of course, a page for each of your writing projects, preferably in the form of a case study.

Get an internship:

While you’re getting your degree, you might ask for a writing position. Working as an intern could help you learn more and improve your work, perhaps finding inspiration in one of the best places to write in London. This can help you learn useful skills that could help you get a job after you finish your degree.

A writing job could also help you get better at writing and give you practice writing in the real world. You could ask the teachers at your university if they know of any internships in technical writing, or you could look online for a company that needs interns who can write. You could also work independently as a professional writer while you finish your degree.

Gain experience: 

After you get your degree, work in an entry-level professional writing job to gain experience, and consider becoming a freelance writer in the UK for additional versatility and opportunity. During this time, try to watch how other pros in your field write to learn how they do it.

If you find a method that works well, you could use it in your writing. For example, if another writer gets good reviews for their writing, you might try to figure out how they do it so you can use some of the same methods in your writing.

After working as a technical writer at an entry-level job, you may move up to a higher post with more responsibilities, such as writing more assignments during a shift or researching to write about hard topics.

How can I get more experience?

As our study at the beginning showed, it’s not easy to get a job as a technical writer without experience. But how do you get experience if no one gives you a chance? 

Don’t worry; that’s something many people have trouble with. Our amazing Book Writers UK provides you with some tips so you can find a job.

Do Your Coursework:

As we’ve already said, a company often doesn’t need you to have worked as a professional writer for X number of years. But rather, it has written pieces in a writing collection that show your skills and knowledge. 

One great way to do this is to finish a technical writing course and all the tasks and coursework. It will help you improve and give you things that your teachers have looked over and told you are good enough to show off.

Help With Open-Source Projects

Technical writers can gain valuable experience by writing for open-source projects and following a path that might even lead to becoming an author. There are some great open-source projects, but most people don’t realize they also need writers. Because no matter how great a piece of software is, it is much harder to work on and use without the right instructions.

So, they usually look for people to join the project and do all the necessary paperwork. It’s good for the project and the writer because it gives you real-world technical writing experience and projects for your resume. 

Offer To Write For Charities and Small Companies in Your Area

You could also reach out to local nonprofits or companies and ask if they need help. Depending on what skills you already have and how well you can sell yourself from the start, these could be free or paid jobs. 

People have different ideas about whether or not you should ever work for free. However, we think it’s a good idea at the start to start building up your resume.

Rewrite The Technical Documents That Already Exist

Like how copywriters sometimes rewrite ads for real brands, technical writer candidates can rewrite existing technical documentation. Just improve and redo a piece of writing you found and thought could be better. 

It would be a good idea to write a little case study about the process for your resume. Explain what was wrong with the original script and how your changes improved it.

You can also contact the company and give them your updated document if you know your work. Who can say? If they like it, they might even give you another task. But you can still put it in your resume even if it doesn’t.

Get a Technical Writer Certificate

A degree or other qualification in the field you want to work in will also help. These skills will help you prepare for questions about technical writing jobs or fill in gaps in your CV. This will make it even easier to get jobs and is a great way to get your business off the ground.

Market Yourself

Networking and making a name for yourself in your field are essential, and understanding the role of a marketing content writer can be a part of this process. You’ll need to work on these skills to be an independent technical writer.

 If this is your first paid writing, why not start with something simple? Set up a page on LinkedIn or another site for professionals.

Having a website or online resume is also a great way to start. You could also join online communities in your area or participate in forums where clients post ads. With the Internet in our hands, getting in touch with possible leads has never been easier. Use this to your advantage and get your name out there right away. This will help you as you move up in your job.

Skills Necessary For a Technical Writer: 

If you want to become a technical writer, you must have all of the following skills. 


A technical writer’s writing skills let them explain complex information in words that are easy to understand. You might also write for hours at a time as a professional writer.


 As a technical writer, you may need to work with other employees and customers to ensure you produce good work. If you can talk to others, you can work well with them to write papers.

Solving problems: 

For some projects, you must figure out how something works before you can write down what it does. You can also use your problem-solving ability to write easy documents explaining complicated processes.

Do some research. 

If you do a lot of research, you can write more detailed directions for others. Even though clients generally give you the basic information you need to finish an assignment, you may want to do more research to better understand the concepts.

Publishing online: 

Many technical writers write for blogs and other online media. Depending on the business, having experience with online publishing software or content management systems can give you an edge in hiring.

Managing your time: 

Technical writers often have to meet tight deadlines, so being good at managing your time can help you reach your goals. You may also write for different projects at the same time. You can keep each project on track if you’re good at managing your time.

How Much Money Do These Writers Make?

Many people want to know if becoming a technical writer is a good job choice. Since everyone has different ideas about what makes a good job and career, so the answer is: it varies. 

But a person’s ability to make money is often one of the things they use to rate a job or field. What kind of money does the technical writer make? We looked up the statistics to give you real numbers from around the world.

Reed.co.uk says that expert writers in the UK make £55,000 a year.

Technical writing is still a highly sought-after skill in the business world. Between 2014 and 2024, at least 10% more will be needed.

Essential Steps and Detailed Insights

Step Description Tips for Success
Start Writing! Practice writing clearly and concisely in your field or elsewhere. Send your work to blogs for feedback. Focus on clarity and brevity. Seek feedback regularly.
Obtain A Degree A bachelor’s degree in writing or a related field can provide foundational knowledge and skills. Study diverse writing styles and practice rigorously.
Make A Portfolio Compile your best work to showcase your skills and versatility. Include a variety of pieces tailored to potential clients.
Get An Internship Gain practical experience and improve your skills by interning while studying. Look for internships in technical writing specifically.
Gain Experience Work in entry-level jobs or freelance to build up your resume and skills. Learn from peers and adapt successful writing techniques.
Get A Technical Writer Certificate Acquire certifications to fill gaps in your CV and enhance your qualifications. Choose certifications relevant to your desired field.
Market Yourself Build a professional presence online and network to find opportunities. Be active on professional platforms and forums.


Like many other skills, writing takes years of practice to get good at. The best thing about writing is seeing how much you’re getting better. If you keep working at it, you can look at your old work and see how much better you’ve gotten.

Technical writers also benefit from learning new things all their lives. This is because they need to know much about the field or topic they are writing about to explain it clearly to readers. So we strongly suggest that you start this journey and keep writing regularly.

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