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Which of These Quotes Best Explains Hamid’s Advice to Novelists?

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  • November 6, 2023
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  • 6 min read


Mohsin Hamid, an esteemed author known for his compelling narratives, offers profound advice to fellow writers, signaling a unique perspective on the evolution of the novel.

His statement, “In the future, novelists need not abandon plot and character, but would do well to bear in mind the novel’s weirdness,” encapsulates a thought-provoking notion that challenges conventional storytelling paradigms.

Let’s explore this quote Hamid said for the novelists in detail with the Book Writing Founders UK.

Understanding Hamid’s Perspective

A clever writer, Mohsin Hamid tells us something special about writing stories. He says that in the future, novelists don’t have to forget about making interesting plots and creating characters that feel real. But he adds something unique: he wants writers to remember something unusual or strange about stories.

Hamid thinks that even in the future, the main parts of a good story—like having an exciting plot and interesting characters—should still be there. These parts help make stories fun and connect us to the characters.

But he wants writers to think about something different, too. He calls it the “weirdness” of stories. This means doing things in a story that are not usually done or making parts of the story a bit unusual.

He tells novelists that making stories a bit strange or different is okay. He believes that by adding weird or unusual things, writers can make stories more exciting and special.

Hamid doesn’t want writers to forget the old ways of making stories. He wants them to mix the usual parts of a story with some unusual or strange things. This mix, he thinks, can make stories even more interesting and enjoyable for readers.

He thinks this is important because stories are changing. People want to read stories that surprise them, unlike every other story. Hamid’s idea is for writers to mix old and new to create stories that make readers think and feel in new and exciting ways.

Hamid’s advice is about mixing the familiar with the strange, the traditional with the unusual, to create both fun and different stories, making the future of storytelling more exciting and intriguing.

The Importance of Plot and Character

Two things stand out when we talk about stories: the plot and the characters.

What’s a Plot

The plot is like the road map of a story. It’s the journey the characters take from the beginning to the end. It’s what happens in the story—the adventures, the challenges, and the exciting events that keep us hooked.

Why Plot Matters

A good plot makes us curious. It keeps us interested and wanting to know what happens next. It’s like solving a puzzle—each plot fits together to create an exciting and satisfying story.

What are Characters

Characters are the people or creatures in a story. They are the ones who experience the plot. Characters have feelings, thoughts, and actions that make them feel real to us.

Characters make us care about the story. When we feel connected to them, we cheer for them in their successes and feel sad when they face challenges. They bring life to the story and make it interesting.

The Link Between Plot and Characters

In a good story, the plot and characters work together. The plot gives the characters something to do, while the characters make the plot exciting and meaningful.

When writers make characters feel real and the plot engaging, readers become a part of the story. They feel like they’re right there, experiencing everything alongside the characters.

Sometimes, stories teach us important lessons about life, and both the plot and the characters help us learn these lessons.

Simply put, a good plot keeps us interested, and characters make us care about what’s happening. When novelists create exciting plots and interesting characters, they make stories that touch our hearts and stay in our minds for a long time.

Unveiling the Novel’s “Weirdness”

“When we talk about the ‘weirdness’ in stories, we mean something different or unusual that makes a story special. It’s like adding surprise or magic to a story, making it stand out. This ‘weirdness’ can be strange events, unique characters, or unexpected twists.

It’s what makes stories exciting, like going on an adventure to a new place or meeting someone unexpected. Just as life can sometimes be a little weird, these unusual things in stories make them more interesting and memorable.

They encourage writers or professional book writing services providers to be creative and imagine things beyond the usual, making their stories imaginative and captivating.”

Accepting unconventionality in writing

Hamid’s counsel encourages writers to explore the realms beyond the ordinary. It prompts them to incorporate elements that deviate from the norm—surrealism, magical realism, nonlinear narratives, or unconventional character arcs.

Embracing unconventional storytelling means stepping away from the usual and exploring innovative ways to narrate tales.

Writers who embrace this approach and narrative writing elements break free from traditional storytelling norms, daring to experiment with fresh ideas that might initially seem unusual.

This unconventional mindset challenges the idea that stories must follow a specific pattern. It encourages the writers to push boundaries and explore new themes, perspectives, and storytelling techniques in their book-writing journey.

By doing so, they invite creative freedom, allowing for the creation of worlds and characters that defy expectations and captivate readers’ imaginations.

The Art of Balancing Tradition and Innovation

Hamid’s advice doesn’t advocate for discarding traditional storytelling elements. Instead, it calls for a delicate balance—a fusion of the familiar and eccentric.

It’s an invitation to infuse freshness into storytelling while cherishing the essence of traditional narrative craftsmanship or informative content writing.

Evolving with Reader Expectations

In a constantly evolving literary landscape, reader expectations shift. Audiences seek narratives that surprise, challenge, and provoke thought.

Hamid’s advice encourages writers to meet these evolving demands by infusing their stories with the unexpected and the peculiar.

Hamid’s guidance reverberates in contemporary writing. Authors increasingly experiment with narrative structures, defy linear storytelling, and introduce unconventional characters or settings.

They weave tales that intrigue, leaving readers both bewildered and captivated.


Mohsin Hamid’s advice resonates with the shifting paradigms of storytelling. It urges writers not to forsake the fundamentals but to embrace the unconventional.

In essence, Hamid’s guidance encapsulates the art of storytelling’s evolution—a pathway that encourages writers to strike a delicate balance between tradition and innovation, thereby shaping the future of literature.

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