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How to Write a Copywriting Brief that Helps…

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  • May 18, 2023
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  • 7 min read



Unquestionably, copywriting is a significant part of marketing and advertising because it helps attract and keep customers’ attention. A well-written copy can make all the difference in getting sales and meeting business goals. But to write good copy, you must start with a good copywriting proposal. In this piece, we’ll talk about how to write a copywriting brief that helps you write interesting and convincing content.

How to Write a Copywriting Brief that Helps: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understand the Target audience

To make a marketing brief that speaks to the audience, it’s most important to know their needs, wants, and pain points. Conducting thorough market research can provide valuable insights, as discussed in our article on world book day. Do a thorough market study, look at customer data, and make buyer personas to learn more about your target audience. With this knowledge, you can write copy that will persuade people.

Define the Objectives

Make it clear what the goals of the copywriting job are. Do you want more leads, sales, or people to know about your brand? Setting clear objectives is crucial, as explained in our post on marketing content writer. Setting clear and measurable goals will help guide the copywriting process and ensure the content aligns with the desired results.

Identify Key Messages

Find the main points that need to come across in the copy. These messages should fit in with the brand’s positioning and value offering. Make a unique selling proposition (USP) that makes the brand stand out from the competition and tells the target audience about its unique benefits.

Determine the Tone and Style

The copy’s tone and style should match the brand’s attitude and connect with the audience. Learn more about defining your brand’s tone and style in our article on what is ghostwriting. So, choose if you want the copy to be serious, informal, professional, funny, or authoritative. Tone and style that are the same across all marketing channels help build a strong company identity.

Outline the Structure

Make a plan for the copywriting job to ensure the information flows well. Separate the information into sections and subsections, each focusing on a different part of the message. This will help organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the important points.

Craft Compelling Headlines

Headlines are the first thing people see when they look at a story. Make headlines that grab people’s attention and make them want to learn more. Use action verbs and wording that appeals to your emotions to make the headlines stand out.

Use Persuasive Language

Copywriting is all about getting people to do what you want them to do. Use language that gets people to agree by appealing to their feelings and wants. Use story-telling techniques, vivid images, and language that appeals to the senses to make a story that readers can’t stop reading.

Include Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Every piece of copy should have a clear call to action that makes people want to do something. Whether it’s to get people to buy something, sign up for a mailing, or call the business, the CTA should be easy to see and encourage the audience to do what you want.

Optimize for SEO

Improving the copy for search engines to reach more people is important. Find keywords important to the topic and naturally use them throughout the content. Discover effective SEO strategies in our post on how to write an article. Use the main keyword, “Copy brief,” in smart places like headings, subheadings, and meta tags.

Edit and Proofread

After writing the first draft, go back and fix any mistakes. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, ensure the content runs well, and eliminate any phrases that aren’t needed or repeated. Learn more about editing and proofreading in our article on the best recipe writing strategies. A well-edited copy with no mistakes gives the brand more respect and professionalism.

Test and Iterate

Once the copy is done, use A/B testing or user comments to see how well it works. Check how well the copy is doing and make changes as needed to make it more effective. The copy must be tested and improved regularly to be as successful as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is a copywriting brief?

A copy brief is a document that outlines the objectives, target audience, key messages, and other essential information for a copywriting project. It serves as a guide for Ghostwriters, i.e., book writers and copywriters, and ensures that the content aligns with the brand’s goals.

Q2: Why is a copywriting brief important?

A copy brief provides clarity and direction to copywriters, enabling them to create content that resonates with the target audience. It helps maintain consistency in brand messaging and ensures that the copy achieves the desired objectives.

Q3: How long should a copywriting brief be?

The length of a copy brief may vary depending on the project’s complexity. However, keeping it concise and focused is important, providing the necessary information without overwhelming the copywriter.

Q4: Can a copywriting brief be updated or modified?

Yes, a copy brief can be updated or modified as needed. It’s common for briefs to evolve throughout the copywriting process, especially when new insights or feedback emerge.

Q5: Who should be involved in creating a copywriting brief?

Creating a copy brief typically involves collaboration between the marketing team, brand managers, and copywriters. A comprehensive brief can be developed by bringing together different perspectives and expertise.

Q6: How can I ensure my copywriting brief produces effective results?

To ensure the effectiveness of a copy brief, it is essential to communicate the objectives, understand the target audience, and provide comprehensive information about the brand and its unique selling points. Regular communication and feedback with the copywriter are also crucial.

Q7: Can a copywriting brief be used for book writing projects?

A copywriting brief can be adapted for book writing projects, including collaborations with Book Writing Founders UK. It provides valuable insights for crafting persuasive book copy.

Key Steps and Profound Details

Step Description Key Points
Understand The Target Audience Conduct market research to understand the audience’s needs, wants, and pain points. Market research, Customer data, Buyer personas
Define The Objectives Clearly state the goals of the copywriting job. Specific goals, Measurable objectives
Identify Key Messages Determine the main messages to convey in the copy. Brand positioning, Unique selling proposition (USP)
Determine The Tone And Style Choose the appropriate tone and style that aligns with the brand and connects with the audience. Brand’s attitude, Consistency across marketing channels
Outline The Structure Plan the structure of the copywriting job for a coherent flow of information. Sections and subsections
Craft Compelling Headlines Create attention-grabbing headlines. Use of action verbs, Emotional appeal
Use Persuasive Language Employ language that motivates and engages the audience. Story-telling, Vivid imagery, Sensory appeal


Writing a copy brief that helps writers make interesting and convincing content takes planning, study, and good communication. Following the steps in this guide, you can make a brief that tells copywriters how to write content that will interest the target audience and help you reach your goals. Always try, change, and improve the copy to ensure it works as well as possible. Undoubtedly, with a well-written copy brief, you can unlock the power of effective writing and help your brand achieve real results.

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