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How To Publish A Children’s Book 2023 Guide

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  • November 3, 2023
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  • 6 min read


Starting to publish a children’s book is an exciting endeavor. With the ever-evolving landscape of the publishing industry in 2023, there are numerous opportunities for aspiring authors. This guide will explore the essential steps and considerations for bringing your children’s book to life.

Identify Your Target Audience

Before planning and writing your children’s book, figure out exactly who you’re writing it for. Yes, it’s for kids, but it’s even better if you know more about the specific child you have in mind.

Answer some questions to help with this:

  1. Is your reader a boy or a girl?
  2. How old are they?
  3. What do they like to do in their free time?
  4. How much free time do they have?
  5. Are they outgoing or shy?

Get to know your target reader well before you start writing. Then, as you write, always think about that child.

Also, consider that depending on your reader’s age, your book might be read to them instead of by them. This means an adult or older child will be reading the words aloud. You can use more advanced words in your writing, but make sure your young audience can still understand. It’s okay to include a few challenging words that they can learn from, but don’t overdo it.

Crafting Compelling Characters and Stories

Making really interesting characters and stories for kids’ books is like creating a special kind of magic. It’s not just about writing words; it’s about making characters and adventures that kids will love and remember.

They’re the story’s heart—the ones who make everything happen. To make them interesting, we need to think about what makes them unique. Like people in real life, characters should have things they’re good at and find tricky. They should have dreams, things they’re scared of, and stuff that makes them different. This mix of qualities makes them real and easy for kids to connect with. Whether a brave explorer, a curious scientist, or a funny creature, each character should have their personality.

Get Illustrations for Your Children’s book

Let’s talk about Illustrations! Picking professional services like Book Writing Founders UK to make Illustrations for your book is super important.

Illustrations in children’s books are like magic. Picture makes stories come alive! When you read a children’s book, the drawings are like colorful friends that help tell the story. They’re not just pretty pictures; they’re important for many reasons.

First, Illustrations make the book interesting to look at. Bright colors and fun designs catch your eye and make the story more exciting. You can see the characters, the places they go, and everything that happens. It’s like watching a movie in your mind!

Illustrations also help you understand the story better. If there’s a picture of a happy character, you know they’re feeling good. If something sad is happening, the pictures show it. This makes it easier to know what’s happening, especially if you’re just learning to read.

They show emotions (like happy or sad) and teach us about different cultures. When characters in a book look or dress a certain way, it can teach us about people from different parts of the world. It’s like traveling to faraway places without leaving your chair!

Edit the Book Before Publishing

Making a children’s book is like a team effort between the writer and the editor. The editor’s job is to help the author make the book the best. Here’s how you can work well with editors to make your children’s book great.

First, talk to your editor. Share your ideas for the book and listen to what they think. It’s important to understand each other. The editor is there to help, not change your story completely. Keeping a good conversation helps ensure your creative ideas remain in the book.

Editors do a lot of things to make the book better. They check for mistakes in writing, make sure the story makes sense, and help with how everything fits together. You’ll work together to make characters more interesting, fix the story, and make sure everything sounds right.

Editors also look at the book from a fresh perspective. As the writer, you are involved in the story, but the editor can see things you might miss. They help find places that need more details, things that need to be shorter, or parts that need more explanation.

When your editor gives you advice, try to use it. This helps make the book better and faster. Be open to changes; remember that feedback is part of making something great.

Designing an Eye-Catching Book C#over

Making your book cover look great is important because it’s the first thing people see. A good cover catches their eye and tells them what your book is about. So, spending time on colors, fonts, and pictures can make a big difference in getting people interested in your book.

Navigating the Publishing Landscape

Deciding how to publish your book is a big choice for authors. There are two main paths: traditional publishing and self-publishing.

In traditional publishing, you send your manuscript to established publishers. They handle editing, design, printing, and marketing if they accept it. This can give your book prestige and wider reach, but it takes time, and rejection is common.

Self-publishing lets you control the entire process. You can use platforms like Amazon KDP to publish and distribute your book. It’s faster and gives you more control over design and pricing. But you must do everything yourself, from editing to promotion, which can be overwhelming if you’re new to it.

Pre-Launch Basics

Before releasing your book, consider how you’ll tell people about it. Your “platform” is just the number of people you can reach online or in person.

If you’re a pro in your field, like a literature professor, your students are part of your platform. If you’re a mom with a home business and use Instagram or Facebook, your followers are your platform. Even if you’re into cooking and have many Pinterest followers, you can still connect it to your children’s book.

Before launching your children’s book:

  1. Talk about it online and offline.
  2. Share your creative process.
  3. Support other writers.
  4. Build a team to help with the launch.
  5. Have giveaways to promote your book.


Publishing a children’s book is a rewarding journey full of creative challenges. Throughout the process, stay true to your passion and vision. Craft a book that entertains and leaves a lasting impact on young readers.

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