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Choosing a Ghostwriter: Finding the Right Partner for Your Story

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  • January 7, 2024
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  • 8 min read


Starting a narrative journey and ready to write a fascinating novel but need help from the writer? You’re in the right place. The goal of a ghostwriter is to streamline the process—less time commitment, fewer stressors, increased help, and, eventually, a better result. 

The people who work as ghostwriters are often interesting. It can feel pretty close when you work on a book with someone, share your thoughts and feelings, solve problems together, and “mind-meld.” 

However, you and your chosen ghost need to like and respect each other, but that’s not the only thing you need to think about.

How to Choose a Ghostwriter for Your Story?

Choosing a ghostwriter is a crucial step in bringing your story to life, and finding the right partner can make a significant difference in the success of your project. Whether you’re working on a memoir, novel, or any other type of book, here are some key considerations to help you select the perfect writer for your needs:

1- Plan Out the Goals of Your Project

Important things to ensure you understand are what you want your project to do for the reader or customer and what you want it to do for you. 

If your project is a book, you should know whether you want to get an agent or services like Book Writing Founders UK and try to get a traditional book deal, self-publish, or do something in between.

Understand the purpose of your book, its target audience, and the message you want to convey. This will guide the writer in capturing your voice and vision.

2- Optimize Your Search Process

When you contact your top two choices, be clear about what you want and need for the project. Allow for some back and forth so the writer fully understands the job before offering a price.

In a few of your best modern books, you can also check the freelance writer tips page to see if the author thanks a certain writer or poet. 

3- Decide A Budget 

The lack of clarity and consistency in price structures is a major headache for anyone looking to hire a ghostwriter. Even for the same genre, authors can charge wildly different amounts. However, there are usually accepted price points; in this industry, as in others, you get what you pay for. 

Therefore, to prevent wasting time looking in the wrong places, you must have a rough estimate of how much money you are comfortable spending before you start your search. 

4- Pick a Writing Style

Consider your writing style as the unique mark of your storytelling journey. It’s how you narrate stories – the specific words you use and the atmosphere you create. When navigating the ghostwriter career steps, envision it as discovering a professional who can resonate with your writing style. It’s about ensuring they understand your approach.

A successful career in ghostwriting isn’t just about being skilled with words; it involves being a language chameleon. A writer should be able to modify their writing style to align with your unique voice and tone. The goal isn’t to mimic someone else but to enhance and preserve your distinctive voice.

5- Keep an Eye On the Process

Most of the time, the author and the writer talk to each other and work together. How much they talk and work together depends on what the author wants and how the ghost writes. 

Some ghosts will spend much time with the author at the beginning of a project gathering information, like an article writing guide, asking questions, reading and processing research, or interviewing people. 

They will then disappear for months while they write the chapters, showing the author groups of chapters or even the finished book. Some writers work with authors chapter by chapter, getting information and sending drafts as the work goes on. Also, there are a lot of different cases in between these two.

6- Agree On a Price and The Details

After you find a good writer with a lot of experience, it’s time to agree on the project’s fee and terms. When writing up your project terms, it’s important to be clear about what you want to give and how you want to be paid.

The following should be written into the project’s rules.

  • Agreement not to reveal. An NDA should be part of any ghostwriting agreement to make sure the writer doesn’t tell a third party about the relationship or anything else they know about the upcoming work.


  • Billing and changes. You can set the terms of a writing project in one of three ways: by the hour, by the word, or by a fixed price for the whole project. It should also be written in the contract if the writer needs extra work, like study, interviews, SEO, or graphic design. As part of the original agreement, there should also be a set amount of rewrites or changes.


  • Copyright: Once the job is done and paid for, the buyer should own the ideas and content that were put into a ghostwritten book. It’s important to be clear whether ghostwriters can use the content in any way they want or just list the job in their portfolio.


  • Royalties: You should tell them beforehand if you’re willing to share income from your book. You might also want to use shared royalties to get a lower price for the job at first. If you’re just starting and don’t have much money, this can help. You should write the specifics into the contract if you want to share income.


  • How to end the contract? A ghostwriting partnership can end before the work is turned in. If problems arise and the project stops or starts earlier than planned, you should be able to refer to a clear set of closure rules written up front in case either party wants to end work on the project before it’s finished.

7- Check Out Their Experience in The Field

As writers, we talk with authors about whether we can talk to possible clients about how much work we’ve done for other authors. The ghost you’re thinking about likely has work they can show you or talk about and work they can’t talk about. It’s still possible to get a sense of ghosts’ work by going to their websites.

Looking for someone who has written at least two traditionally released books is a good way to find a ghostwriter to help you write a book highlighting your skills, reaching more people, and helping your business grow. 

8- References and Testimonials

Don’t forget to read the testimonials. It’s like checking out the online reviews before you buy something. See what others say about the writer’s reliability, professionalism, and if they can deliver the goods. It’s like getting the inside scoop from people already in your shoes.

Think of it as your writer’s job interview; the references and testimonials are the folks vouching for them. It’s like getting a sneak peek into what it’s like to team up with this writer. So, don’t skip this step – it’s like checking the references before hiring someone to fix your leaky faucet. 

Tips for Choosing a Ghost Writer for Your Project

That’s not all you’re looking for in a ghostwriter—you also want someone who will work well with you and your project. You should try to find a potential author who fits with what you want to do. Remember that their work will show what and how you do it, even if your name is the only one on the byline.  

Some of the most important things you should look for in a screenwriter are the following:

  • Make sure they fit your tone and voice.
  • Look for someone who can talk to you clearly and on time.
  • They should be able to use the technology or collaboration you choose.
  • Your author should be clear upfront about any fees or extra costs.
  • See that their tasks are always done on time.

Before you hire someone on Upwork, you can read reviews left by past clients to get an idea of how they work with others. You can also look at examples of their past work to get an idea of the kinds of ghostwriting projects they’ve done.


If you and your ghostwriter are getting along well, you might want to think about making a long-term relationship. It’s possible that you and your writer spent a lot of time getting your writing style just right. This style and tone you’ve worked so hard to develop can be used in podcasts, blog posts, or even upcoming projects for the future of UK writing.

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