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Balancing Show and Tell: Descriptive Writing in Book

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  • November 8, 2023
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  • 7 min read


When writing a book, it can be hard to know where to draw the line between showing and telling.

It’s important to show your readers what is happening by describing it in detail. On the other hand, if you go overboard with your descriptions, you might end up boring them or losing them entirely.

In this post, the Book Writing Founders UK will discuss how you can balance showing and telling in your book to keep your readers engaged without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

The Essence of ‘Show’ and ‘Tell’

In writing, ‘showing’ and ‘telling’ are two fundamental techniques.

‘Telling’ involves direct statements and explanations, straightforwardly imparting information to the reader.

Conversely, ‘showing’ engages the reader by painting a vivid picture, employing sensory details and imagery to evoke emotions and create a visual experience.

Engaging Senses: Bringing Worlds to Life

Engaging the senses is about making words dance to create a real and tangible world for readers. When you describe how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels, you invite readers to enter the scene themselves.

Here are a few sensory details and narrative writing elements that can add life to your writing.


Using words that paint a picture in the mind’s eye helps readers visualize the setting and characters. Instead of merely saying ‘the sun was shining,’ try ‘the sun peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold.’


Describing sounds brings depth to a narrative. The rustle of leaves in the wind, the laughter of children playing, or the distant rumble of thunder – these auditory details transport readers into the story’s heart.


Scents have a way of triggering memories and emotions. Describing the aroma of fresh-baked cookies wafting from the kitchen or the earthy scent after rainfall can evoke powerful sensations in readers.


Engaging taste buds through descriptions can add richness to a scene. Whether it’s the sweetness of ripe strawberries or the tanginess of a lemon, these details make the world more vibrant.


Describing textures and sensations can make the story come alive. From the softness of a puppy’s fur to the roughness of an old tree bark, these tactile details add depth to the reader’s experience.

By incorporating these sensory details, writers create a multi-dimensional experience, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully in the story’s universe.

The Power of Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing lies at the heart of ‘showing.’ The enchanting tool brings words to life, transforming mere sentences into vibrant scenes. Instead of merely stating, “It was a dark and stormy night,” descriptive writing conjures the image: “The clouds loomed, an ominous gray blanket veiling the moon, while rain thrashed against the window panes like a thousand tapping fingers.”

If you need help writing such descriptive scenes for your novels, then you can always hire expert ghostwriting services providers who are experts in this field and can write it on your behalf.

How descriptive writing impacts your work

Here is how this element of description can add life to your work and make your book-writing journey interesting:

Creating Atmosphere and Setting

Books thrive on transporting readers to different places and times. Through descriptive writing, authors craft intricate settings that become a character in themselves.

The reader can smell the salty air of a coastal town, feel the prickly heat of a bustling market, or see the frost clinging to the windowpane of a secluded cabin in the woods.

This detailed immersion draws readers deeper into the story.

Breathing Life into Characters

Characters are the heart of any story. Descriptive writing fleshes them out, giving them depth and complexity beyond words.

Instead of telling readers that a character is courageous, descriptive writing reveals it through actions, dialogues, and mannerisms.

Readers feel connected when they witness a character’s quirks, flaws, and emotions firsthand.

Evoking Emotions

One of the most remarkable abilities of descriptive writing is its capacity to evoke emotions.

Authors can make readers laugh, cry, feel fear, or experience joy by intricately weaving sensory details.

When an author describes the scent of freshly baked bread or the warmth of a hug, readers can feel transported into the scene, reliving their memories and emotions.

Striking the Balance

While descriptive writing is powerful, too much can slow down the pace of the narrative. A balance between ‘showing’ and ‘telling’ is crucial.

Overloading with descriptions might bog down the story’s flow, while too little can leave readers feeling disconnected.

Skillful authors navigate this balance delicately, revealing details at the right pace to maintain engagement.

Practical Tips for Writers

If you have just started your Book Writing Services journey or are an experienced writer but need some pointers to better describe your scenes in your writing, here are a few tips you can follow.

Engage Senses:

When describing scenes or characters, incorporate sensory details. Describe how things look, sound, smell, taste, and feel. For instance, instead of saying, “The flower was beautiful,” try, “the crimson petals glimmered in the sunlight, emitting a delicate floral fragrance.”

Use Vivid Language:

Employ colorful adjectives and strong verbs to create vivid images without overloading adverbs. Instead of saying, “she ran quickly,” consider “she dashed like the wind.”

Show Through Action:

Instead of outright stating emotions, reveal them through characters’ actions and reactions. For instance, instead of saying “she was scared,” you might describe how “her heart raced, and she clutched the edge of her seat, wide-eyed.”

Invoke Imagination:

Leave room for readers to use their imagination. Don’t describe every single detail; let readers fill in some gaps. This engagement encourages readers to become active participants in the story.

Edit and Revise:

After writing, review your work to ensure that descriptions enhance the story without overpowering it. Trim excessive details and refine descriptions for clarity and impact. You can also get Editing Service Benefits from a professional.

Practice Observation:

Sharpen descriptive skills by observing the world around you. Pay attention to details in everyday settings—notice the colors, textures, sounds, and smells. These observations can enrich your descriptive writing.

Use Metaphors and Similes:

Analogies can make descriptions more vivid and relatable. Compare elements in your story to familiar things to enhance understanding. For instance, “her laughter was like a melody, lifting everyone’s spirits.”

Consider Pacing:

Balance descriptive passages with the story’s pace. Introduce descriptions at a pace that complements the narrative flow. Quicken the pace during action scenes and slow down to savor quieter moments.

Focus on Specificity:

Be specific rather than generic. Instead of saying, “It was a big tree,” describe its impressive height and the sprawling branches that provided a canopy of shade.

Seek Feedback:

Share your writing with others and welcome constructive feedback. Other perspectives can offer valuable insights into how your descriptive writing resonates with readers.


In the delicate dance of ‘showing’ and ‘telling,’ descriptive writing is the cornerstone that breathes life into literature.

By mastering this art, authors transport us into worlds unknown, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

In essence, the magic of descriptive writing isn’t just about what’s written on the page; it’s about the captivating journey it takes us on, one word at a time.

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